On Saturday, we decided to try to get on the Trinity for the first time in a month. There have been some huge wildfires that have kept the river canyon smoky to the point of being unhealthy. We had high hopes of paddling two or three times a week this summer, but the wildfires put kibosh on that. But Saturday was the day, it was Neil, Bren, Teresa, and myself. It was Bren's first time on the river in a hardshell kayak. She had been going to pool sessions and learning her eskimo roll, and now it was time to put it to the test. We chose a class II section which was very scenic and had some nice spots for practicing eddy turns and rolling in moving water. Everone had a great time and it felt great to get back on the water.
As Neil and Bren got ready on the shore, Teresa and I paddled over to the far side and started picking blackberries. After we had picked all the boat level berries, Teresa stands up in her boat to get the high ones. That meant more berries for everyone and it was really funny watching her hold on to a tree branch while the current pulled her all over the place.

The rest of the afternoon was spent fooling around and having a blast. Bren did a great job and looked like she was having fun. Here she is in the middle of a class II stylin' it.

All Smiles

Neil gets his boof on in this shot. A boof is kindof like a bunny hop on a bike. It gets you past the hole of the rapid while keeping your momentum up.
This is a video of Neil, Bren and I running one of the more exciting rapids. The best part is the commentary by Teresa as we run the "gnar". Bren gets her first "combat roll", which is rolling up in a rapid. Great Job!!!! Neil runs an interesting line here, into the rocks.
Teresa has a knack for many things in life, but the one that I appreciate the most is her ability to find River Booty, be it Berries or Beer. It seems like every time we get on the water together, she finds full, unopened beers floating in eddies. It's a nice treat in the hot sun.

It was a great day and Bren did an amazing job for her first time in a hardshell.

On Friday we head out for the North Umpqua. Just east of Roseburg, it has crystal clear water, great rapids, and best of all....Hot Springs!!!!! I will update everyone with pics when I get back.
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